Saturday, June 29, 2013


Psalm 73:28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.  I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.

Good morning everyone in the world here.  I believe you have a good rest yesterday for this weekend ahead.

I feel tiring, don't know why suddenly become busy in my life. I want stay at home for whole day but something schedule need to arrange out today. I feel l need to be more charging for my future next minute coming.

I need quiet time come to my Lord.  Thank you Lord, You are always be with me. This morning I really tired and yesterday I slept late some more. I don't have energy wake up. I prayed and asked God if You really want me to closer with You, please remove all my tiring and pain.  Finally, I woke up and get time date with HIM.  This is awesome.  I've good time with HIM and feel peaceful and joyful. This is my charging after for my whole day. 

Although is tiring, but my life is full because I'm going to do something wish that make it happen. :)

I'm wishing you all have a great day weekend. God's grace and peace always with you all. 

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